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Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies

Hello Hello! Happy Feast of the Resurrection!

This is seriously my favourite time of the year. I always feel immense joy because I am now able to live in absolute freedom in Christ, Who willingly came down to abolish death by His death on the cross. And whilst the easter egg hunts, hot cross buns, and endless amount of chocolate are considered paramount in experiencing the feelings of this Easter season, I beg to differ.

For me, Easter consists of the heavenly hymns that glorify the Lord for all that He has done, red hard-boiled eggs that symbolises the blood of Christ, the tomb and His resurrection, traditional homemade buttery biscuits and countless family gatherings. I grew up with the idea that Easter was a very special season, but little did I know why until I became a young adult. Everything changed when I came to the realisation that Easter was so much more than looking forward to feasting on meat and chocolate.

Many people question why I live the very life I love now. The truth is, I wasn't always like this, but I won't delve into that right now. All you need to know is that the very reason for my hope is due to the fact that the very Word Himself became flesh to destroy death and remind us that we were created in His image (John 1:14). This is why Christians all over the world rejoice. Because we can now live as our true selves in Christ Jesus Who is our Salvation.

Although most people are going through food coma's from the countless supply of meat and chocolate, I'm still loving the creativity that comes from experimenting with just raw ingredients, and so have gone ahead to make these amazingly fudgy raw vegan brownies. They're so easy to make I promise!

I only decided to post this recipe because my work colleagues have been asking for it. These babies fly off the container when I bring them into work, so it's definitely a crowd pleaser, and they're super healthy. HEALTHY BROWNIES?? Yes it's possible!

Here's how to make these ooey gooey raw vegan fudge brownies:


Brownie base:

2 cups pitted medjool dates *If using another type of date, soak them in water for 20 minutes prior to making the brownies

1/2 cup almond meal

1 cup raw almonds

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

4 tbs cocoa powder


1 1/2 cups raw cashews, soaked *make sure cashews are soaked for minimum 2 hours

1/2 cup maple syrup

2 tbs cocoa powder

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

How To Make Them:

Line a 25cm x 39cm baking tray with baking/parchment paper. Make sure the baking paper is big enough to lift the brownies once they're ready.

In a food processor, combine the dates and almond meal. Process for 30 seconds.

Add the almonds, cocoa powder and vanilla extract. Process ingredients until it is soft and bonded together like a semi-sticky dough.

Take the mixture out and gently press evenly with a spatula onto the baking tray.

Place tray into the freezer whilst making the icing.

To make the icing, combine all the ingredients together into the same processor and blend until smooth. If you find that the icing is a little grainy, it may be due to the cashews not being soaked enough. In that case, add some almond milk to loosen the mixture or at least make it spreadable.

Take the brownie tray out of the freezer and spread on the icing evenly with a spatula. Place tray in the freezer for minimum 1 hour, otherwise eat your heart out! These can be enjoyed either at room temperature or frozen. I find them to taste better frozen because they keep their shape.


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