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Lenten Season

You're all probably wondering where I've been these past few months. And as much as I would like to give the 'travelling' or 'venturing off to better things' excuse, it was really just because I've been both lazy and busy since starting my first full time job from mid last year. Quite the paradox right? But oh so true.

So much has happened since I've last blogged, but I'm really trying to dedicate this year to better develop myself and take care of my well-being as it's something I've consistently struggled with for the majority of my life (I'm already 24!).

Although we're well into the month of March (yes, it's March people!), I still see this as an opportunity to begin working on myself, especially amidst Great Lent, which is one of, if not, the most important time of year for Christians all over the world. There are so many resources that help explain this glorious season of the Church if you wish to look it up (I've posted some links below), but all I can tell you is that it is the perfect time to re-evaluate ourselves and see where we have fallen short in relation to the most loving and merciful God, Who wants nothing more than for us to be our true selves and live an amazingly abundant life in Him.

I've already made some minor changes in my life to better enable my personal growth and development, but still finding myself wanting to do more. You see, I'm the impatient, stubborn kind.

I could sit here on my bed and list the countless things I've always wanted to do, like learn a new language, a new instrument, get into candle making...but my excuse has always been "I have no time!". So alas, I leave my desires on the back burner and continue on with my life, which really only consists of working and serving at my local Church.

Now don't get me wrong. I love my Church. She is my everything. My desire to serve comes from my desire to know and draw nearer to God. But one thing I've learnt recently is that no matter how much I want to serve others, if I don't take care of my spiritual and physical health first, there is no way I can do the same for those who I'm entrusted to serve.

And So begins my journey to finally do what I've been both wanting and needing to do. Eating right, exercising, journaling, reading His Word, and simply wanting to stand in His presence and talking to Him as a Father and best-friend.

Don't fall into the whirlwind of excuses that could potentially prevent you from doing the things that help you grow. The "I don't have time" excuse is a lie. An absolute lie. As well as every other excuse under the sun.

I don't want to grow old and look back at my life regretting the things I know I could have done.

You want to learn a new instrument? You can most definitely do that. Want to read the Bible more often? Of course you can! It's all about perception.

I've recently started going to the gym and cutting some foods out of my diet, which have already proven to have a positive impact on both my mood and energy levels. But I don't want to use this Lenten period as an excuse to reduce my food intake. Instead, I really want to use this time to truly grow in Christ and learn to trust Him in every aspect of my life. From there, I'm confident that He'll let everything else fall into place. It's about seeking the Kingdom more than anything:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

-Matthew 6:33

I want this blog to be both a food lovers paradise and a place of encouragement for those who just need a little bit of faith. So I plan on incorporating both faith and food in my posts. You can check out my Instagram page for posts of bible verses, food and anything in between (link on my homepage).

For the next few weeks, i'll be posting some quick vegan recipes that could be useful to those who study and/or work. Remember, the aim is not to indulge but more so to just have something simple on hand when you literally have limited time to prepare anything (taking baby steps here. Having no time is still an excuse). This is Lent. It's not all about the food :)

Let's strive together to make the most of this Lenten season!

Links on Great Lent:

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